Integrated Management System Policy
JSC „ORLEN Service Lietuva“
Having implemented an integrated management system, the company operates in accordance with the following provisions:
- Strengthen the market position by constantly analyzing the needs and expectations of customers to meet and exceed them.
- To create a motivating work environment - to create conditions for each employee of the organization to realize their abilities for the benefit of themselves and the organization; create opportunities for competence improvement.
- Improve performance management through a procedural and systematic approach, making decisions based on the analysis of factual data and information.
- To fulfill the requirements of the standards LST EN ISO 9001: 2015, LST EN ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018 and to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the integrated quality, occupational safety and health management system.
- To ensure the management (control) of occupational risk in the company: continuous assessment of occupational risk, preparation and implementation of measures to eliminate (reduce) occupational risk, continuous improvement of the health and safety of employees in the company.
- Ensure the prevention of environmental pollution and the improvement of management indicators for significant aspects.
Management responsibilities:
The director of UAB „ORLEN Service Lietuva“ claims that the quality of provided services is a critical factor in business success, therefore assumes responsibility for the implementation of the integrated management system and undertakes:
- Apply an integrated quality, environmental and occupational safety and health management system to ensure the implementation of customer, legal and other requirements applicable to the organization's operations;
- Allocate resources to implement this policy, maintain and improve the integrated management system;
- To ensure the improvement of working conditions of employees;
- To solve social and environmental issues relevant to the company's activities;
- Cooperate with the company's stakeholders;
- To follow the values that cherish respect for man, society and nature.
This policy is part of the strategic business objectives. Policies will be reviewed, evaluated and changed to remain relevant. Policy objectives will be set each year and their achievement assessed.